Our day school focuses on meeting each dog's unique daily enrichment needs, both physical and mental, to help working parents provide the best possible life for their dog. Class sizes are intentionally small so that our educated staff can provide close supervision to your dog during play.
Our learning center uses all-positive techniques to address everything from puppy classes and basic obedience to upsetting behavior concerns like reactivity and fearfulness.
Small Class Sizes of 5 or less
1:1 Mental Enrichment Activities
Healthy Lunchtime Snack
Scheduled Recharge Periods
Structured Curriculum
Trained, Educated Staff
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Here’s where you can see the current classes and programs available at The Good Dog Academy.
Check back frequently for updated calendars!
10433 S. Parker Rd., Parker CO 80134
Day School is offered every Wednesday
Drop off 6:30 AM - 8 AM, Pick up 4:30 PM - 6 PM
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